“Off the Page: The international heritage of the Dakota Literary Tradition”

Greetings from He Sapa and the Lakota Nations Education Conference held during LNI in Rapid City!

The conference has been going well, and we’ll be sharing some of the things Oak Lake members have been up to, but first, we invite you to tomorrow’s round table discussion, moderated by Nick Estes, and featuring Charmaine White Face, Elizabeth Cook-Lynn and Edward Valandra.

This roundtable discussion will focus on the international geo-political impacts of Indigenous Americans, specifically through the lens of the Dakota Literary Tradition of the Oceti Sakowin Oyate.

Conference-goers and the public are invited to attend in person (Sylvan II, Ramkota Conference Center) at 9 a.m. Mountain. We will send the Zoom invite to our newsletter list again in the morning, so if you haven’t subscribed, do so below.